We help you find your VIMAX lenses

Vision is very important for any activity in our lives. Each person has specific needs, at VIMAX we have all the solutions. Discover the one that fits you best.

Depending on your age, prescription and daily activity, you made need different glasses for different uses. Advances in the design of ophthalmic lenses have allowed us to create unique lenses not only for each person but also for different uses. This specialisation allows us to define a new category of lenses that complement our daily vision: UNIVERSALWORKDRIVECLINICALSPORTSUNKIDS.

Las lentes UNIVERSAL USE son lentes progresivas o monofocales, para uso diario, diseñadas para ofrecer una visión perfecta en todas las distancias a aquellos usuarios que buscan lentes personalizadas.
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VIMAX Universal Use

The best vision at all distances

VIMAX UNIVERSAL USE lenses are progressives or single vision lenses for daily use designed to offer optimal vision at all distances for users who need personalised lenses. They are made not only to your prescription but also personalised parameters like facial measurements, frames, lifestyle, hobbies, etc.

The VIMAX progressive lenses and NEO PRO and EVOLTA PRO single vision lenses stand out, tailor-made for each wearer to ensure optimal vision and quick, comfortable adaptation at all distances.

VIMAX Work Use

The lenses that work for you

The office setting, and especially at the computer, is one of the most visually demanding work conditions, as it takes many hours of ongoing visual effort, concentrating on one spot, and prolonged exposure to blue light.

Progressives and single vision lenses designed specifically for this use improve the wearer’s vision while working indoors, promoting a more comfortable position at the computer and, therefore, greater visual comfort throughout the day.

Las lentes progresivas y monofocales diseñadas específicamente para este uso facilitan al usuario una visión adaptada al entorno de trabajo en interior, una posición más cómoda ante el ordenador y, como resultado, un mayor confort a lo largo de la jornada.
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Las lentes DRIVE USE han sido concebidas para ofrecer al conductor unos campos de visión optimizados en las zonas de visión de lejos e intermedia, las más exigentes para la conducción.
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VIMAX Drive Use

Your best ally for driving

Driving is when we experience the widest variety of visual situations: reading traffic signs at various distances, reading the dash in the middle distance, glare at night and sharp changes in lighting conditions, entering a tunnel, for example.

DRIVE USE lenses are designed to give drivers a better field of vision at far and intermediate distances, the most demanding for driving.

VIMAX Clinical Use

For specific cases, specific lenses

Certain eye conditions can’t be solved with conventional single vision lenses or progressives. They need specific lenses with very special design and manufacturing features.

Each of the lenses in the VIMAX CLINICAL USE line addresses a specific visual need that is generally outside the scope of standard lenses.

Each of the lenses in the VIMAX CLINICAL USE line has a characteristic that makes it the perfect solution for a specific condition.

Cada una de las diferentes lentes que se engloban bajo la categoría CLINICAL USE dan respuesta a una necesidad visual específica que, en general, supera los límites de lo que una lente de uso general suele alcanzar.
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Las lentes SUN USE ofrecen gran variedad de colores incluso aquellos que marcan tendencia y que además permiten disfrutar del sol con total seguridad por su protección total frente a los rayos UVA y UVB.
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Enjoy the sun with your prescription lenses

Enjoying outdoor activities in the sun is twice as nice with prescription sunglasses that protect you from the sun and make sure you can see properly.

VIMAX SUN USE lenses come in a wide variety of colours, including the most trendy, so users can enjoy the sun safely, fully protected against UVA and UVB rays.

VIMAX Sport Use

Your favourite sport with the best visual performance

For sports and exercise, you need the right material: shoes, clothes, protective equipment, etc. And you also need the right lenses.

VIMAX SPORT USE lenses take into account the visual demands of exercise and are the perfect ally for your vision when doing sport, thanks to their specific design and materials designed for outdoor use.

Las lentes SPORT USE tienen en cuenta las exigencias visuales requeridas en la práctica deportiva y son el aliado perfecto para la visión de un deportista en cuanto a su diseño deportivo y a los materiales específicos para su uso en exterior.
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La línea de lentes KIDS USE se ha diseñado desde origen teniendo en cuenta su aplicación en errores visuales propias de los niños y definiendo todo el diseño de la lente a las características morfológicas propias de un niño/a.
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VIMAX Kids Use

Custom visual solutions for the little ones

Kids need specific visual solutions beyond merely adapting adult lenses to their smaller size.

The VIMAX KIDS USE lenses have been designed from scratch taking into account the visual errors commonly found in children and based on their morphological characteristics.

As children’s visual systems are always evolving, it is essential for them to see an ophthalmologist or optometrist to determine the best optical solution.